Monday, June 4, 2012

Project #1 - Elements & Principles

This project was pretty fun to create. I made a list of the visual elements and the design principles and simply just crossed them off as I went along. Since I am a photographer, there are a few photos that I took from over the summer that fit the elements perfectly. I wanted to mix them up.

Line- This photo is of a textile design I created by using the screen printing process. The different colors and angles of line are moving all throughout the piece.

Shape- The way the window pane frames the image and creates rectangular shape represents shape and form well.

Value- Here, in grayscale, we can see a wide range of tonal values ranging from black to white.

Color- This photo is of one of my classmate's textile designs. The piece displays vivid color in a vast array.

Light- In this image, we can see the light concentrated on top of the girl's head (me) and also coming through the holes in the blanket.

Texture- The fur blanket in this image shows a very textural surface.

Form- This image is of a building in Philadelphia and I think it shows a solid 3-D rectangular form and shape.

Unity- This bowl of almonds shows unity very well.

Variety- This is a fiber arts sample that I created. The way the one pocket has red string, instead of white, shows variety.

Emphasis- The emphasis of this photo is of my friend, Patrick and the large tree he is standing in front of. The tree, along with him, are the focal point of this image.

Balance- The balance of this photo is created with the vases and the shadows they create.

Movement- The focal point of this image is a person jumping in the air and falling down, creating movement.

Rhythm- The repetition of the cupcakes and their shape create a rhythm, as well as the the different frosting colors staggered throughout.

Proportion- In this image, my friend Anthony is standing behind a giant domino. This photo was taken at a park in Philadelphia, where the artist playing a lot with scale and proportion. We know that a domino is typically a very small object, but here it is displayed as larger than life.


  1. These are great pictures! You are great photographer I wish I could have taken pictures like these for my blog posting. My favorite one is Value. I have always liked black and white photos and this one shows the difference between white and black values. Great work.

  2. I really enjoyed your pictures :) They were comical, well-thought out, and just plain good haha. Those cupcakes looked soo tasty, and I really liked the picture you took for proportion. You did a great job of putting the elements and principles of art into pictures.

  3. It was truly evident that you are an experienced photographer, these photos looked like they came right out of an art gallery or magazine! I was also very impressed with the image you did for Value in black and white - that was really amazing and truly portrayed the intented message well.

  4. I like the picture you chose for movement.
