Friday, June 29, 2012


1. For each video list/discuss the key concepts you learned.

Prairie Style: 

·                     Developed by Frank Lloyd Wright
·                     Maintained an open floor plan and used natural materials
·                     Designed around the rising and setting of the sun
·                     designed with a series of horizontal bands that reflected the flat plains of the Midwest
·                     Wright's homes were a part of their landscapes
·                     Influenced many architects 

Architecture/The Science of Design: 

·                     Contributing to the creation of skyscrapers, was the development of new materials and technology
·                     Skyscrapers are built around steel skeletons that are riveted together
·                     They are made of the super structure (above ground) and the substructure (below ground)
·                     The biggest structural problem is the wind, which can create tension and cause the building to sway- but
are also affected by earthquakes, precipitation, and other elements
·                     With the progression of technology, possibilities are endless when designing a home
·                     Concrete was used as a construction material through out history
·                     Where major structures are needed, concrete is reinforced with steel bars to improve its resistance to traction
·                     Doesn't break abruptly, will crack when stressed, but tension is relieved by steel bars

Classical Architecture:

·                     Renaissance architects used Roman architecture as the basis for design and applied it to the surfaces of new building types
·                     The three Greek styles are Doric, Ionic, and Corinthian.
·                     Tuscan and Composite are Roman
·                     Romans invented the arch and used columns as ornaments
·                     Post-modern classicism emerged as an architectural style combining the classical style with the modern
·                     Today modern technology like skylights and solar heating are worked into designs. Architects are still finding new ways of reinterpreting the principles of ancient architecture

Last Call For Planet Earth:

·                     Today, architects believe it is relatively easy to make a construct that uses 20-30% less energy
·                     Sustainability agendas are becoming increasingly more important to private businesses who realize the mentality is crucial to the success of their business
·                     Architectural designs manage energy through integrated systems, underfloor heating, cooling, ventilation, and use of passive solar energy. 
·                     Sustainable architectural design takes into account geography, climate, and local resources, particularly renewable materials such as wood.
·                     75% of carbon omissions originate in cities, thus buildings must serve many purposes.
·                     "Green-washing" is a term that defines the practice of selling or advertising green technology and sustainability in projects that are neither green nor sustainable.
·                     Green roof technology provides heat in the winter and coolness in the summer
·                     It is important to make these changes before further impact and damage is done. 

2. How do the videos relate to the readings in the text?

The videos relate to the readings in the text by giving an overview on the progression of architecture. We can see the evolution from the key concepts and elements from classical architecture, continue on to the more contemporary architecture we see in FLW's Prairie Style houses. We then see how the progression of technology and invention of new materials, like concrete, have changed architecture as well. These materials and processes have opened up a new world for architecture and design possibilities. For example, with this technology, the skyscraper has revolutionized urban America.

3. What is your opinion of the films? How do they add depth to understanding of Architecture?

I really enjoyed the FLW video on the Prairie Style homes. I don't know whether its because his presence is strong here in Buffalo, but its amazing to see his work and influence of his work on other architects. His style was so innovative and he completely changed the way people lived, because his designs created a relationship with the occupant that was personal and organic. This video helped me to understand that there is an entirely deeper part of architecture which is how it personally effects us. 

I also enjoyed the part of the Science of Design video when they discussed concrete. I'm currently building a collection of furniture out of concrete and its interesting to learn about its foundation and original applications. I think the use of concrete to build furniture is even furthering the idea of progression with material in design. 

4. From the group of four that you had a choice: Why did you choose that film?

I chose the Last Call For Planet Earth video, because I am very interested in green architecture and building practices. I am trying to incorporate some of these own methods, or at least be conscious of them, in my own work. We all have to take what we do as an individual and see where we can fit our own practices of green living into our lives.

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