Sunday, August 5, 2012

Project #4: Art Curation

For this project I really tried to think of a theme that meant something to me. I have been working with recycled materials and concepts for a few years now and I thought that would be an excellent theme to apply to this project and to create an exhibition out of recycled artworks.

There is a growing awareness of the very serious environmental issues that exist today and I truly believe the change can start with artists and designers. As a designer, I can use eco-friendly or recycled materials in my designs and make a difference. We can change the way things are made. With that being said, there are many very talented artists out there who are also creating beautiful works of art out of recycled materials. My goal for this project was to find recycled pieces that didn't necessarily look like "trash." I think its important to create that effect so people can see that there is nothing taboo about recycling or using things over and over again.

I started by finding around 15 artists and selected pieces from each to curate this exhibition. I then looked at the similarities and differences amongst the pieces that I selected and decided to group them together in pairs for comparing. My exhibition would have to be on the larger scale since all of the pieces are either sculptural or installations. I wrote my theme description out and exhibition explanation and then showed my comparison artworks in the following slides. I used an earthtone theme with lots of shades of green to represent my recycled/earthy theme.

I really liked this project, because after gathering all of the artworks for my exhibition and after studying the different pieces, I felt very inspired to see what other people are doing out there in the world with recycled materials.

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